April 22, 2020

COVID-19 Prevention, Drug Use & Our Communities

If you are using drugs during the COVID-19 crisis there are actions that you can take to reduce the risk of getting or spreading the virus. Here are some helpful tips.

COVID-19 Prevention, Drug Use & Our Communities If you are using drugs during the COVID-19 crisis there are actions that you can take to reduce the risk of getting or spreading the virus. Here are some helpful tips. WHEN PICKING UP DRUGS, MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING • Stay at home where possible, if you know and trust your supplier get them to come to you • Maintain social distance • Wash or sanitise your hands before and after any transactions (especially after handling money). WHEN PREPARING DRUGS, STERILISE • Wipe down drug packages/wraps/bags with alcohol swabs • Wipe down the surface that you are preparing drugs on • Clean bongs and pipes with water and disinfectant • Wash your hands • WHEN USING DRUGS, DON’T SHARE. If using with others, avoid sharing drugs, equipment or dabbing from the same bag • If snorting, use your own straw (not a key or a note) and if using in a group (ideally only other people who you live with) have a different coloured straw for every person • Avoid sharing cigarettes, bongs, joints, pipes or drinks • Always avoid sharing injecting equipment and mix your own dose on your own spoon • Maintain social distancing. STAY SAFE WHEN USING ALONE • If you are using on your own let trusted friends know • Keep in contact with them and let them know to come and check on you or call 000 or if you don’t respond within an agreed period of time • Make sure your friend knows where you are • Avoid using multiple drugs at the same time as the strengths of drugs and their interactions with each other can vary In the event of an emergency, don’t hesitate, call 000 WE’RE HERE FOR YOU: ACON provides confidential counselling to people in our communities seeking support in relation to their substance use. Contact ACON on (02) 9206 2000 or 1800 063 060 or go to acon.org.au. ACON’s alcohol and drug website betweenthelines.org.au is a valuable resource at this time. You can also get in contact with the Australian Drug Information Service (ADIS) by phoning 1800 250 015. 1800 250 015. This information sheet references advice originally developed by NUAA and Thorne Harbour Health’s/Star Health’s, Sesh Ed team.


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