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May 1, 2020

Substance Support, COVID-19 & Our Communities

As we experience self-isolation, many in our communities might find that they need support to manage alcohol and other drug use. ACON’s substance support counselling services are still running and we have some advice on where to go for support if you need it.


As we experience self-isolation, many in our communities might find that they need support to manage alcohol and other drug use. ACON’s substance support counselling services are still running and we have some advice on where to go for support if you need it. ACON’S SUBSTANCE SUPPORT COUNSELLING   ACON provides free confidential counselling to people in our communities seeking support in relation to their substance use. • Our counsellors work from a harm reduction approach to assist clients reach their goals to manage use, reduce or quit. • This service is currently offered via phone or online counselling sessions. • For more information please contact our Sydney office on (02) 9206 2000 or 1800 063 060 or submit an enquiry. NEEDLE & SYRINGE PROGRAM (NSP)  • ACON’s NSP provides free sterile injecting equipment and health promotion to people who inject drugs. • ACON’s NSP in Sydney is currently operating from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. • The service operates at ACON, 414 Elizabeth St Surry Hills. • ACON’s NSPs in the Hunter and Northern Rivers regions are open 10am to 2pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. • ACON Hunter is located at 129 Maitland Road, Islington. • ACON Northern Rivers is located at Suit 4P Conway Court, 17 Conway Street, Lismore. OTHER SUPPORT •  Your Room’s Your Service Hub: Your Service Hub is a directory of free or low-cost alcohol and other drug services across NSW, so you can find out what’s available in your area. • St Vincent’s Hospital is trialling a new app that will help people to track and understand their crystal use. To find out more, visit • If you’re not sure what kind of service you need, or are looking for general advice, call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service on 1800 250 015 (open 24 hours).