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Drink Limits Information

Drink Limits is an in person, free group program running from 14 July for 8 weeks on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm at ACON Health, 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills.


This group work program is for all LGBTQ+ women, including Sistergirls, trans women and cis women, who want to change their drinking habits. Drink Limits provides a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to share strategies around reducing drinking and to find ways to stay in control of your health and your goals.

The program uses a range of therapeutic techniques to address anxiety and other mental health concerns surrounding the consumption of alcohol. It is an eight-week closed group program designed to offer you strategies to reduce alcohol consumption, and help you feel better. It’s about your personal limits: if you feel like you want to reduce your alcohol consumption, then this program could be for you. Abstinence isn’t the aim of Drink Limits, rather, the program is about reducing your alcohol consumption to a level that you feel comfortable with.

It’s also an opportunity to meet fellow community members with similar experiences in a confidential and safe environment. The program will be run by ACON’s trained substance support counsellors.

If you feel like your drinking is affecting your mental health, giving you regrets, or preventing you from reaching your full potential, this could be the program for you. Please fill out the form below to receive a phone call to talk through the program and your needs.

*ACON would like to thank Thorne Harbour Health for their development of the Drink Limits program.

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